
Shelf Life Improvement:

April 19, 2024, 3:05 p.m.

If life has been kinda ho-hum or I’ve just dry for anything interesting to talk about, then it probably makes the most sense to get started by just writing about the recipe. Whiiich is kind of a “duh” moment because we are talking about food blogs. But even though it’s so simple, it can be surprisingly hard. It’s like I sit down, get the recipe in there, have the pictures in place. Now, uh, what do I have to say? Yum. The End.

Here are some ideas of food related writing material that I use for inspo when I’m stuck. I’m not the only one, right?


  • sharing little tips for how to make the recipe turn out just right, like me demanding that you try using a food processor for the jalapeños or talking a lot about pan tilting and crepe flipping.
  • describing which specific ingredients you recommend, like me obsessing over Trader Joe’s prechopped mirepoix
  • explaining what ingredients are typically used and how the dish is traditionally made – Jun-Blog is spot-on here
  • walking through how you did each specific step: Pioneer Woman has this down pat + she’s hilarious while doing it
  • your own made-up question and answer about the food or recipe, like when I did that for those plantains that I’m craving right now​​​​​​